Sunday, October 13, 2013
Yes! Finally I'm happy to announce "I know that book" first blogoversary.

I'm so glad of how much the blog have grown within the past 12 months and that is all thanks to you, my super amazing followers and of course, the great authors that worked with me and were kind enough to make Guest Posts, Interviews and of course give me their awesome books to read in exchange for my reviews.

Honestly, it's been more than I've ever expected, I've got to know incredible people and the road is just beginning. 

Saying thank you is wonderful but you know what else is wonderful??? PRIZES! So enough with the ramblings! I invite you to take part of these giveaways.

**These prizes are brought to you by the authors themselves and I know that book** 


- You must be 17 or older to participate in the international giveaway (since some of the books have adult content) For the U.S only, any age is allowed.
- The winners will be announced via fbk and will receive an email, they have 48hs to answer, otherwise, another winner will be chosen.
- The prizes will be given in the order they appear in the lists below. 
- Except the prize that will be given by I Know That book, the rest will be delivered to you straight from the authors, I know that book has no responsibility after providing the winner's data to them.

You can see the books or author's page at Goodreads by clicking the names 
or you can read my reviews from the Review section, they are listed by author :) 


 - 20 winners. 

Which are the prizes then?

- E- copy of CRUSHED by K.C Blake 
- E- copy of DEADLY CRUSH by Ashley Stoyanoff
- E- copy of THE SOUL'S MARK: FOUND by Ashley Stoyanoff 
- E- copy of WOLVES OF SHADOWS (Books 1 & 2) by B.K Walker 
- 3 e-copies of choice from author B.K Walker 
- Set of SWORD OF GREGARA SERIES by Cynthia Woolf
- E - copy of THE MOON DWELLERS by David Estes
- E - copy of FIRE COUNTRY by David Estes
- Ebooks SET of SOCIALITE SERIES by Martin Renaud
- E - copy of GOOD GLADYS by Martin Renaud
- E- copy of LOVE FORBIDDEN'S FLOWER by Diane Rinella
- 2 e -copies of SILVER HOLLOW by Jennifer Silverwood.
- E- copy of ALL ACCESS by Karolyn James
- E - copy of THE STRONGER, SAFER KIND by London Case
- Kindle copy of REVAMPED by Ada Adams
- Kindle copy of REAWAKENED by Ada Adams
-  Book of winner's choice from TBD up to $15 thanks to I Know that Book

*Cynthia Woolfs prize will be Paperback if the winner is from the U.S or ebook if the winner is international. 

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow! What an amazing giveaway! There are so many wonderful looking books to win. :) Thanks so much!

    Congrats on the blogoversary!
